
Slang Moment. (Choice 4)

March 2, 2023 - Uncategorized

Ranking top 10 late 2022- early 2023 slang.

Some slang can be funny and cool but others are just annoying to hear. And im gonna be ranking my top 10 and providing some reasons why. Starting from 10 its

10. Ratio: This one is VERY annoying to hear. So this SHOULD only happen on Twitter where if you “Ratio” someone it means you get more likes than them. But some people use it in real life which gets annoying fast. Like imagine you are talking about math ratios and then some kid starts saying ratio like he’s on Twitter.

9. “Slay” Now I don’t have any particular reason why except it can be funny but only when its not overused. Some people say stuff like “Slay the day away” it kinda means like “Go off” and things like that. But I wont rank it higher because there are just better ones

8. OHIO: Ohio is a normal state in the U.S.A. But people turned it into a meme. So when someone does something weird or when something weird happens they will say stuff along the lines of “Most Normal Kid In Ohio” or “Average day in Ohio!”  It can get pretty annoying at times but for the most part when people are original with it, its funny.

7. W/L/Mid:  I’m putting them all in 1 category because they are all pretty basic. W means good/win. L means bad/lose. And Mid means basic. Simple as that. I use them sometimes but only online.

6. Drip: simply means when someone is looking nice or looking good they might be dripped out. I use this one often and even in real life sometimes.

5.  Hits different: When something hits different it means  its better than usual or its just overall better than this thing. I use this one a lot but not as much as the other 4.

4. Bet: basically means “You’re on”. When someone tells you to do something and you say “Bet” you’re basically saying “i’ll do that”

3. Rizz: This is your ability to attract the opposite gender. I say it sometimes. My friends say it. Probably the most popular one here. Rizz actually stands for Charisma.

1. Cap/Fax. I say this one a lot. Cap means lie and fax means truth. But when you say cap you are calling someone out on lying. So if you say to someone “You’re capping” you are saying “You’re Lying” and fax simply means Facts. “That’s cap = That’s a lie. That’s fax = that’s the truth


3 thoughts on “Slang Moment. (Choice 4)

Uncle Clif

Great list Mosiah! My favorite slang word is drip because I have so much of it. Fax!


It’s cool that you ranked that lot of slang. Thank you for the definition!

Uncle Clif

Hola Mosiah, Disfruté leyendo tu publicación.
El español es un gran idioma extranjero para aprender, y es el idioma extranjero más hablado en los Estados Unidos. Esperemos que continúe desarrollando sus habilidades en idiomas extranjeros a nivel local y viaje a países de habla hispana. ¡La cultura y la comida también son increíbles!


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